Connecting to the MongoDB server with Java API(Without Security)
MongoURI uri = new MongoURI("mongodb://ip_of_mongoDB_server");
Mongo mongo = (new Mongo.Holder()).connect(uri);
Getting a DataBase
DB db = mongoClient.getDB("dataBaseName");
Getting a Collection
DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("collectionName");
Inserting a document
BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject("name", "MongoDB").
append("type", "database").
append("count", 1).
append("info", new BasicDBObject("x", 203).append("y", 102));
Finding first document in a collection
DBObject myDoc = coll.findOne();
Counting document in a collection
Inserting multiple document
for (int i=0; i < 100; i++) {
coll.insert(new BasicDBObject("i", i));
Using cursor to get all documents
DBCursor cursor = coll.find();
try {
while(cursor.hasNext()) {
} finally {
Getting a list of databases
MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient();
for (String s : m.getDatabaseNames()) {
MongoDB Recovery
- Manually
remove the lock file:
sudo rm /var/lib/mongodb/mongod.lock
- Run
the repair script:
sudo -u mongodb mongod -f /etc/mongodb.conf --repair
- You must run this command as the mongodb user. If you run it as root, then root will own files in /var/lib/mongodb/ that are necessary to run the mongodb daemon and therefore when the daemon trys to run later as the mongodb user, it won't have permissions to start. In that case you'll get this error:
Unable to create / open lock file for lockfilepath: /var/lib/mongodb/mongod.lock errno:13 Permission denied, terminating
. - On Ubuntu, you must specify the configuration file /etc/mongodb.conf using the -f flag. Otherwise it will look for the data files in the wrong place and you will see the following error:
dbpath (/data/db/) does not exist, terminating
. - Now you can start your MongoDB server with
sudo start mongodb
and verify it is running withsudo status mongodb
and by trying to connect to it withmongo test
Start/ Stop Mongo Server
Start :
sudo start mongodb
Stop : sudo /etc/init.d/mongodb stop
Dump and Restore(Create backup and Restore from backup)
Create Dump : mongodump --db [databse name]
Here databse name is the name of the database that you need to backup.This will create a dump folder of each collections in the BSON file format .Restore : mongorestore
--db [database name] --drop [source path]
Search Pattern (regex)Using 'Terminal'db.collectionName.find({"key":/regex/})
Eg: For finding the names with the letter 'D' from collection 'nameColl', use
Using Java API
collectionName.find(new BasicDBObject("key",
));Eg: Consider the same example above. Using Java API we can find the pattern matching as,
object =
, java.util.regex.
DBCursor nameCur = nameColl.find(object);
Get last inserted recordsdb.collectionName.find().sort({_id:-1})Eg: For list the last entered name data in 'nameColl' can be list in terminal by type,db.nameColl.find().sort({_id:-1})
Search by IDUsing Terminal
Here 'Your_ID' can be replaced with your id to find the record it belongs.Eg: db.nameColl.find({“_id”:ObjectId(“565564564asgf654”)})
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